Sunday, May 22, 2005

on a day where man utd was playing some of their smoothest, flowing football with overwhelming brillance from rooney and ronaldo, they had to lose in the worst possible way.. well i'd guess thats the way of the ball.. dammit.
on a brighter note, i'd receive my med letter today! =) its gonna be a loong path ahead but i'll think i can cope with it.. happy happy =)
denn~ strode past at 11:34 PM
Sunday, May 15, 2005
suppose you were offered a tasty piece of meat for your hard work.. and in that haste to eat that meat, you did something wrong and ended up being shamed and the piece of meat, withdrawn.. so close.. yet so far..
ever read the five people you meet in heaven? about the people who you'll probably never knew about or barely knew, but is enough to touch and change your lives forever? well, i think i've just met one of them.
he probably was the nicest of men i've ever knew.. though it was a short time.. he's diplomatic and just... nice. yet i can never imagine the burden, regret and shame taht he carries on his shoulders.. is it really that easy to put down something that's so hard to let go? to just throw it to the back of your mind.. that to pretend that it never happened before? i don't think so.. to put myself in his shoes.. the whole idea of it is just a.. tragedy.. it just isn't fair.. then again, i guess nothing is fair here.. =(
i've been thinking of late, when lying down just before lights out every night.. it's scary to think of what the future has in store, and what twists (cruel more often than not~) that can happen anytime..
haha.. the loneliness of it all..
断了的弦断了的弦 再怎么练 我的感觉 你已听不见 你的转变
像断掉的线 再怎么接 音都不对 你的改变 我能够分辨
我沈默 你的话也不多 我们之间少了什么 不说
哎唷 微笑后 表情终于有点难过 握着你的手 问你确定了再走
再走我突然释怀的笑 笑着盘旋半山腰
随风在飘摇啊摇 来到你的面前绕
你泪水往下的掉 说会记住我的好 我也弯起了嘴角 笑
你的美 已经给了谁 追了又追 我要不回
我了解 离开树的叶 属于地上的世界 凋谢
断了的弦 再弹一遍 我的世界 你不在里面
我的指尖 已经弹出茧 还是无法留你在我身边
断了的弦 再怎么练 我的感觉 你已听不见你的转变
像断掉的弦 再怎么接 音都不对 你的改变我能够分辨
denn~ strode past at 3:16 AM
Sunday, May 08, 2005

denn~ strode past at 6:21 PM

denn~ strode past at 6:21 PM

me and cb
denn~ strode past at 6:21 PM

class gathering!!
denn~ strode past at 6:19 PM

me wit the guys on parent visiting day~
denn~ strode past at 6:18 PM
suddenly realised how much i missed e outside world.. when i looked through all these pictures that brought back such great memories... sometimes it's through losing that you start to appreciate and value it more..
haha very soon it'll be back to the southern part of singapore.. where a piece of me belongs ;p
supper with the guys was a great load of fun.. betcha all can't guess there were five of us there... haha mr ellery decided that the inscet bite on his forehead wasn't picture worthy... so there goes another chance for me to take his pic and blackmail him at e same time =p seowhong... he looks e same.. so much for him being a peacemaker in his platoon~ choonboon. finally got the guts.hahas~ jianbin? haha my same old 14 year friend.
looking outside my room out at RJC, after the rain and cool weather seems different.. there's this huge cutting that says -DAISY- on the windows of one of the blocks.. -_-" can see their hostels.. then that crematorium.. erps..
and its mothers day today...
love you mums. =)
such a wonderful sunday evening
denn~ strode past at 6:16 PM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
i've got ten minutes to write all that i want to say before i sleep. its sucks. and it doesn't help when you're having guard duty tomorrow. with loads of assignments and reports. and an endless pile of journal entries (that will be checked) and a personal testimonial to write... you know you're either:
1. primary school boy
2. friendster addict
3. in some funny uniformed group
4. or an officer cadet in ocs.
the tables's been kinda messy. there's an empty chipsmore double chocolate wrapper lying around, with a peanut butter flavoured captain crunch next to it as company (still quite full thankfully) and topped of with some i've-yet-to-find-out-where-but-is-famous tau huay(also emptied).
dang.. 5 minutes more...
somehow its more homely than ever at this home.. i lurve the smell of my pillow and dear bolster.. that warm bed. something you don't usually get back in ocs. heck.. you be lucky if you can get a full 7 hrs of sleep there. well. i don't.
mosquitos there are a different thing altogether. imagine all the biggest mosquitoes. multiply all of them by ten. give then face-biting tendancies and the uncanny ability to become intangible and tangible again. well.. so much for the mosquito net~
perserve la..
you chao gu-niang"
times up!
denn~ strode past at 11:20 PM
Friday, April 08, 2005
somehow.. i always believed that for one to mature and to become the man that he will eventually be, one must go through a turning point at some point of his life. this point could be different for each and everyone of us. it could come in the form of a traumatic event, like the death of a loved one. or even show itself in the guise of a guiding hand of a good friend whose always there, looking out for you and inadvertably, changing your life. ultimately, one will change.. for the better.. or for the worse~
OCS's been a whole new refreshing breath of air for me. it may only have been three weeks, but the highs and the lows i've experienced there.. its more that words can say.. the officers there are one of the most distinguished bunch i've ever seen.. not only do they treat us with the respect, their heart-to-heart chats with us really opened up my world to the struggles that one has to go through before charting his future path in that big, misty sea.. we were silent when we heard one of their stories, perhaps sad.. for me? i just felt -respect- for that guy.
the friends there i've made are great too~ i've got a long lost pri school frnd there, some HC frnds (most of which i know thankfully) and some really good people out there.. to go through thick and thin for the next 35 weeks.. haha what more can i wish~
then again, it can get kinda..depressing? sometimes.. i just wish everything can go back to e times like back then in BMT.. slower pace.. more people to chill out with.. sergeants to talk cock with.. haha then again i guess its ocs.. inspiration? yeah definitely when i was watching the graduation parade last sat~ i was filled with pride and awe at that parade, especially when the marching past started.. to see jingrong, elmo and many many more seniors being commissioned.. heard they had a tradition of giving out red packets if we go greet them after e parade... haha guess it was banned~then again.. haha.. i guess i will get there one day.. won't we?
this may be one of the many turning points in my life.. we're all still learning, changing, maturing as a whole.. i won't be a complete person. i'll probably never will.. but i'll keep trying... till my one last breath~
cheers to life! =)
denn~ strode past at 11:54 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase
a familiar tune. the same old lyrics. the fondest of memories.. there's no reason to feel nostalgic.. right? we tend to bottle too much of our emotions.. if these bottles of emotions could be sold, we probably be millionaires by now. better to just let things.. flow.
sometimes the smallest of things can evoke the deepest of memories.. a drop of rain. the slightest squeak. that shade of grey. minute? they certainly are. but again, sometimes, is enough.
emotions are a funny thing.. once released, its hard to get it back. then again, maybe it wasn't meant to be..
i'd held your hand through all of these years
but you still have..
all of me
~random musings
denn~ strode past at 2:48 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
remember this time when we had swimming lessons in j1.. wore my trunks to sch and forgot to pack another set of undies =p.. only realised after the lesson. told the guys. someone told mdm toh. she called back later, offering to lend me a set of her son's paper undies. =)
ever felt touched and stunned at the same time? haha this time i was.. had half a mind to accept it before deciding against it... there's this tagline i suddenly remember.. "size does matter". so ended up washing 'n drying my trucks instead.
and here's my little tribute to you mdm toh =)
denn~ strode past at 11:48 PM